About Me

Massage to me is more than just a field of education, it's a lifestyle. I value the ability to be able to help people relieve stress and pain without using medications if possible, and to help facilliate a wider range of motion to improve the body for mor...


Hello there! Welcome to my website. If you are looking for a certified, well eduacted and professional esthetician/massage therapist, you have come to the right website. 


I provide a wide variety of modalities and services that can be custom tailored to your needs. Feel free to scroll through the other pages to see what kind of work I provide.


If you would like to set up an appointment, please feel free to check out my "contact me" page. I will send a confrimation email, call or text. Please specify if there are any special requests due to medical reasons. 


Thank you for your time.

Amy Ghertner




